Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week 30 - 5 Weeks to M Day!

It's week 30! I am getting excited and I am really looking forward to this marathon. I am feeling really good and I am appreciating all the lessons that running is teaching me, patience being the top one and learning to seek peace in uncomfortable situations.

These lessons are helping me navigate my life outside of running and I am becoming a better person. My gym sessions are becoming therapeutic and my stress is even more manageable. The gifts of just becoming more active are amazing and I am a more happier person.

Last week's wrap-up:

Wednesday's  5 miler

Thursday's 50 minute tempo run 

I love this piece of equipment. I used this to do back rows - I was suppose to do back extensions yet this equipment was calling my name, great for the back and alleviates back flap hanging over bra! :)   

So last weekend was jammed backed with pre celebrating my 5th year anniversary and my dearest friend visiting from New York. So what did not get done was any workouts from Friday to Sunday....I know....So Monday I ended up doing Saturday's 10 mile pace workout on the treadmill.
3.78 +  6.25 = 10 MILES!

8 x hills workout will be done by tonight, Wednesday as I missed doing my hills on Friday. There was no outside running last week which is attributed to me not wanting to leave my bed in the mornings...with the cooler mornings which I love seem along with the pitch darkness; waking up early was hard for me last week. Hopefully I have that out of my system and will be up with the birds this week.

Week 30 workout is below with my edits and  DIVA HALF MARATHON is this Saturday!!!!!!

Week 30 looks like this:
Monday 9.21               5 Miles Made up 10 mile pace run
Tuesday 9.22               8X800  Will do Friday - worked all day and night ahhhh
Wednesday 9.23         5 Miles and 8x Hills - "Double Duty Day"
Thursday 9.24            5 Mile Pace
Friday 9.25                 REST 8x800 No rest for the weary!
Saturday 9.26             DIVA HALF MARATHON
Sunday 9.27               6 Miles

Its the second week for the weight training routine I posted on my last blog. Looking forward to my chest and shoulder workouts which I missed last week. I am happy with the abs, back, arms and legs workouts so far. 

Looking forward to the DIVA Half Marathon this Saturday in Leesburg, Virginia! Along with celebrating my official 5th Year Wedding Anniversary on Friday. I will enjoy the expo (will be looking for cool running stuff to use on M-Day as running vendors clamor for my attention) and pick up my race number - 522! I will be in the first wave and goal is to start steady and end fast and strong!

I am going to get serious with my playlist now and will spend a lot of time strategically placing my songs in order to my marathon ride! Do you use music to motivate yourself in anyway? I like to start in middle, nothing to fast or to slow, then in the middle of my run have more mellow music to keep me study. Toward the end when I need to pick things up and finish strong is when Jay Z and Eminem come out...yes I like Eminen!

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

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