Friday, June 5, 2015

Week 13 & Treadmill Fun

This is has been a week with a lot of treadmill running as I have failed to get out get this week for early morning runs.

Tuesday's 10 miler was done on the hamster wheel with 6.26 miles done in a hour and the remaining 3.76 done in 36 minutes.

On the treadmill I am able to keep my pace steady and as you can see generate a lot of sweat!

I also did Wednesday's 5 miler on the treadmill and it was also my second day on my new fitness workout schedule.

 Favorite exercises so far are the one legged lunges and V-situps. My abs felt really hard core after the V-situps! I also like doing push ups and the bosu ball rollout on workout 2's schedule.

So my 7xHills was also done on treadmill (simulated hill with and incline at 6.0 elevation). Though I missed my beloved hill, leaving work early was not an option and the treadmill was my only choice to get it done.

I did the first two "hills" at a distance of .25 and 6.0 elevation at 7.0 speed which is 8:34 min/mile and the next 2 "hills" at 7.1 speed which is about a 8:17 min/mile. The fifth "hill" I started to fatigue and started at a 7.2 spwed yet dropped it to about a 6.5 speed at end. The last two "hills" I did at 7.4 to 7.5 speed ending of at 8:00 min/mile. My mantra this week was "real girls sweat...alot".

I completely my third workout day and I am loving this schedule. With 12 reps at 2 sets each for about 10 exercises it challenging yet manageable.

Looking forward to getting out on the road this weekend for my long runs. How do you get through hard workouts at gym...muic, mantras - what keep you motivated to push through?

Here's to BQ'ing 2015,

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