Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 20 Wrap Up and Week 21 Workout - NYC 20 MILER!!!!

Week 20 wrapped up with a 7 mile and 14 mile long runs!  Saturday's 7 miler was tough as I had not run on the road since the Xterra 15k weekend before. I was slow and legs felt like lead yet I was happy to get it done in at about a 10:00 min/mile.  Sunday heat wave was intense and doing 14 miles was going to be excruciating...I have to start really paying attention at the weather and accept that Sunday's are not a "sleep in" day anx i have to get put before the sun and run!  Though I said I was not going to make up runs I ended up doing my 14 mile long run today - Wednesday and the weather this morning was AWESOME! I got out at about 5:30am and finished at 7:45 completing the 14 miles at a 9:51 min/mile; happy to be under 10:00min/mile.

Last week's workout were all treadmill runs:

Tuesdays 35 Minute tempo at 4 miles. Goal is to get faster and do more miles in 35 minutes.
So this week shooting to do 4.25 in 35 minutes.

Wednesday 3 miles

Thursday 3 mile for pace - goal was a 7.50 min/mile at 22.5 minutes. Finished in 24.19 at 8.06 min/mile. Still shooting for under 8 min/mile so working on that today.

Week 20 looks like this:

7/20     Monday              3miles - did outdoors - blah run on not the best. Did not tackle the hills well.
7/21     Tuesday              5 X 800 3X800 (2.3 miles)
7/22     Wednesday         3 miles
7/23     Thursday              35 minute tempo 10 miles
7/24     Friday                 Rest
7/25     Saturday             7 Miles 20 Miles (Training run in NYC)
7/26     Sunday               10 Miles 35 minute Tempo (est. 4 miles)
Total                               42 miles

So a lot of changes above I know yet looks worse than it is. Yesterday I signed up at new gym which ate into a lot of my break time ... I know I said I would do runs in the morning....still working on that. So I only had so much time and could only get in 3 of the 5X800 meter drills in.  Tomorrow I plan on doing 10 miles as on Sunday I know I would  not want to or be able to do 10 miles as will most likely head back to MD from NYC - so a 35 minute tempo run would be a great post recovery run from the 20 miler.

Got new sneakers coming in the mail as the Brooks were not bad yet they were not awesome. I will be going back to ASICS and trying out the GT 1000 3 for the next training cycle. 

The GT 1000 4 though are the ones I will be wearing for Marathon Day. I tried those on at the store and they are incredible. I am taking the 1000 3 now as they cost me 60 bucks and the 1000 4's are 100.00 - hopefully the price will go down by September when I plan on buying!

How long before your race do you purchase new sneakers? What brand are you?...I started out as ASICS girl,then Brooks, dabbled with Saucony I think one year and now ASICS...I am okay with not being loyal, I just need my feet to be happy :)

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

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