Monday, June 2, 2014

Countdown 84 more days to SRM!

In the last month training has gone haywire. Unfortunately for me time has not stood still and I have 12 weeks left to Marathon Day. I am excited, nervous and scared......I need to build up my confidence by making everyday count and honestly that is incredibly harder than I thought it would be - with, baby, job changes, and the ever changing scope of being a new mom.

I have been able to get some training done yet have still struggled with my long runs. I did do 6 miles on Saturday and needed to do 12 miles on Sunday yet struggled to find the energy.  I have been able to do some training during the week yet have not been able to elevate this training to the maximum output that I know that I can do. Higdon's training schedule is amazing and the reason I started this blog was to truly follow through with it, yet it has been so amazingly difficult and I transition into my new role as mom yet I am so determined to see this schedule through and realize that LIFE will always be there and it is truly about will and motivation to conquere the obstacles to get to the rewards.

This week I plan on getting my diet straight and tracking my calorie intake to make sure that I have the fuel needed to complete my training because fatigue is setting in where after a 6 miles run I am drained. I came into this training thinking I could use the same regime as previous trainings yet so much is different now with a baby. From feeding schedules, middle of the night wake up calls, going to bed late and baby timings not be my is truly a feat - yet I am completely determined to see this through and gain the valuable lessons from this experience.

Today is  Monday, June 2 - cross training day!  I plan on doing a 45 minutes stair climber routine and abs at the gym today.

I plan on posting an update daily going forward recording my food intake, how I felt energy wise and a pic of my routine stats.

12 weeks marker is my crunch time moment and now its about cramming as many quality workouts as I can. I know I can still make a Boston Qualifying time and have to be truly  committed to do so.

In transformation,


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