Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up and Week 17

Finished up Week 16 with 4 and 12 miles runs.  My goal for last Thrusday's 4 miler was to complete in 32 minutes at 8 min/mile. This felt really good to do and was happy to get to that speed and looking forward to ramping up my speed on runs between 4 and 10 miles between 8 and 9 min/miles.
A bit over 12 miles was done. I underestimated how far I had run and ran over 12 miles; fine since I owe myself some mileage anyway. I was pretty consistent on this run and walked for about a minutes on this run.  My hilly trail is becoming more and more comfortable and I am getting faster completing the trail!
Week 17 looks like this -
June 29      Monday             4 Miles
June 30     Tuesday              6 Miles
July 1        Wednesday        4 Miles
July 2        Thursday            30 Tempo
July 3         Friday                Rest
July 4         Saturday            4 Miles
July 5         Sunday               8 Miles
Total                                        26 Miles and 30 Minute Tempo Run
Monday's 4 miler on the treadmill was completed in 39 minutes. My right ankle was feeling a little off so I did not push the pace as I wanted and will ice a bit more. I turned over my right ankle weeks ago when I went on the 20 mile run on the Mt. Vernon Trail and I did not ice it right away. So I plan on incing and stretching it out a lot more so it does not get worse.


Besides that I am feeling really well and started reading Hal's approach to Advanced 2. Feeling excited yet a bit scared as he starts the article with "Welcome to my most difficult program, Marathon Advance 2"! I look forward to the challenge though.
Thinking of doing a 15k (9.3 miles) race in about 2 weeks in Maryland. This will be a race 2 week before my 20 miler so almost half the distance. Hoping to signup soon and will let you  more details.  How are you challenging yourself lately? Where do you go to look for community events to help you reach your goal?
Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

Friday, June 26, 2015

B-day Run and Some Weights on Rest Day

 Exciting week as I arrived back to Maryland on Monday from a great weekend trip to NYC and celebrated my Birthday on Tuesday!  Monday's 5 miler did not get done....I know.....yet I squeezed it on Thursday and I am ready to get back on track after all the hoopla! With 2 more weeks on Advanced Schedule 1, I am excited to finish strong and get on the way to Advanced Schedule 2.
On Tuesday I went out for an 8 mile run. Since it was my birthday I ran the whole 8 miles with a smile on my face :)

On Wednesday I did 5 miles on the treadmill. I left my phone at home so was unable to take a treadmill pic yet my girlfriend got me the "Milestone Pod" which is a pod you put on your sneaker and it calculates how many miles you run. I am using it as my back up when of course my watch dies or when I leave my phone. It's great for days when you want to know how many miles you ran and your stats yet don't want to where a watch or carry your phone for anything...just run free with the pod on your sneaker. Below is screen shot of how the information from the pod wirelessly syncs to your phone when you get back from your run through the downloaded app. It is pretty informative and great information to have have on your running performance. The only thing is that if you stop for more that 6 seconds, like on this treadmill app I stopped to tie my shoe, it showed I ran 4.89 miles instead of 5 as it accounted for the gap though I ran a bit extra after the 5 miles mark yet there is a variance if you stop during the run.

On Thursday I did 6 x hills in the morning. I started with a one mile warm up and did the first 3 hills with music and the last 3 hills without music. I wanted to get pumped up for the first half and then just concentrate on my form and the hill for the last half. I read on another runner's blog that her coach made her go for her training run without music; coach wanted her to concentrate on her form and tune into her body and emotions. When I run without music every sensation is heightened and the run becomes my music and I listen to my steps, my breathing and my body.
The first 3 hills set where good as I am definitely getting faster I believe on the hills and my goal is always to go faster each time. Yet by hill 4 and 5 I lost a bit steam. Ok so hill 6 is tricky as I usually try and make my last hill the fastest hill and when I completed this hill I looked down and my time showed 2:10! I walked a bit and looked by down and noticed my timer was still going! So i quickly pressed the stopper and ended up recording a time of 2:18 so that last pic should really be 2:10!!!!!

1mile warm up

On Thursday afternoon I did 5 miles. This was after hill and  "2-a-day" (2 workout in a day) yet this 5 miler suffered and I suffered as I really just barely muddled through...I was soooo tired.
Today is Freedddaaaayyy ... I mean Friday and I am suppose to rest.  I plan on doing workout 1 of my toning routine and cross train for about 15 minutes. Toning routine took a back seat this week unfortunately so today and Saturday will do my routines and then start fresh on Monday. 
Looking forward to my weekend run workouts and still searching for a race before my 20 miler in Central Park about a month away now.
Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up and Week 16 - B-DAY!

Week 15 did not pan out as planned yet what it lacked in consistency it made up it in fun! Today's long run turned into a 5.75 miler instead of a12 miler. I was in New York City and thought I would get out to Central Park for 2 loops around the 6 mile acreage yet with Father's Day and my best friend's birthday brunch, time was not on my side and I decided to make it a "fun run" and head to my old running grounds at the Cloisters in Washington Heights. It was awesome being back here and I enjoyed every step.
Well the Saturday curse of no running endured unfortunately and my running before leaving Maryland to NYC did not happen. My goal was to do 10 miles yet with 10 miles done on Friday due to not doing the 10 miles on Tuesday stymied me. Plan is to finish out Weeks 16 through 18 on schedule without make ups and taking my rest days on Fridays to stay consistent on weekend runs.
Tuesday's 5 miler turned into a 3 miler on the treadmill and a toning session as I was short on time and really wanted to weight train. So I had do cut my run short to get the weight training routine done during work break.

Back to square one on getting runs done in the mornings to weight train during my work breaks - still striving.
Wednesday instead of my 10 miler I ended up doing 5 miles. 

Too many excuses to say, yet that was  bad as  Week 15 went downhill as I set myself up to make up that missed 10 mile workout on Friday and the do another 10 miles on Saturday. Note to self....don't do that again.

Thursday's speed workout of 8x400 went well. Yet my phone died and I did not have enough juice to snap a treadmill pic. I averaged between a 8:34 and 8:00 min/mile. Confident that next training cycle I can start at 8:00 min/mile for 800 meter workouts.

Friday I did 10 miles outdoors and happy to say I did not take a walking break! I believe this is my fastest 10 miler yet!

Week 16 looks likes this:
6.22 Monday  5 Miles
6.23 Tuesday 8 Miles (my birthday - yiippee)
6.24 Wednesday 5 Miles
6.24 Thursday 6 x Hills
6.25 Friday REST!!!!!
6.26 Saturday  4 Mile Pace (goal is 8 min/mile at or under 32 mins!)
6.27 Sunday 12 Miles
Total              34 Miles and 6xhills

How did you or how are you planning on spending your birthday? After I unwrap my 8 mile gift which I will do in the MORNING!!! :) I plan on celebrating with co-workers and then dinner with Herbi and Enzo - the 2 greatest gifts of my life!

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up and Week 15

I had an amazing weekend of fun and family. The weather was great besides short bursts of rain yet the sunshine outweighed and I am looking forward to living for the weekends this summer.
This past weekend consisted of some running yes and also some pool time with family...extremely refreshing after a run!
on Thursday I did my 45 minute tempo run and on Friday I made up Wednesday's 5 mile run - both where done on the treadmill.

Saturday called for a 6 mile run and Sunday called for a 12 mile run. I again ended not running on Saturday and so the 6 mile run was done today - Monday....the cycle must be broken as when I run on a Friday it's really tough to get that Saturday run in. 

Sunday's long run of 12 miles was good though the heat was on at 8:30am when I got out. I looked forward to the shady parts of the run.

week 15 looks like this:
6.15 Monday             5 miles
6.16 Tuesday             10 miles              5 mile
6.17 Wednesday         5 miles               10 miles
6.18 Thursday            8x800                   5 miles
6.19 Friday                 Rest                     8x800
6.20 Saturday             10 mile pace
6.21 Sunday                20 miles 12 miles

Total                            42 miles and 8x800

With my 20 miler in NYC a month away I will not be doing this Sunday's scheduled 20 miler yet will instead do12 miles on Sunday. Since I did not do Monday's workout I am shifting everything down a day. I just need to get this Saturday's workout in and tough it out to break the cycle...lol.

I am feeling stronger and more confident to really start going faster on my runs. My breathing and strides have improved and my legs are getting stronger. This week and going forward I am going to make efforts to stay consistent on a set pace in preparation for next training schedule where I also will be documenting all pace goal efforts. I am also on the look out for a race! Would like to get a 10k or 10 miler in before my 20 miler in NYC in July.

What makes you feel ready to move on to something more challenging than what you already do?

Here's to BQ'ING in 2015,

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3W! Weekend, Week 14 and Wednesday Weigh-IN

So delayed gym selfie pic I took last week during my toning routine. Did I mention yet how happy I am to be weight training again. Now the fight to stay consistent in this routine begins! 
The weekend ended with a 10 mile run on Sunday. Saturday came and went and by the time all activites where done; a 10 mile run was the last thing on my mind. So yes, I had to figure out how I was going to squeeze a 14 mile workout in during the week.
I decided that I would keep Week 14's Monday and Tuesday rountine and swap out Wednesday's routine for the 14 miler and do Wednesday's workout on ....you guessed it....my Friday Rest Day.
So at this point when I can't keep on schedule, Friday's rest day will be my make up day yet I hate doing this  and I will continue to strive to keep the schedule....ahhhhhh! I also MAY do the 5 mile run tomorrow in the early morning and then my 45 minute tempo run at the gym - this would be a "2aDay" mission where I do 2 workouts in one day. I will see which one actually pans out.
So this morning's long run started about 5:15am and ended around 7:45am. At about mile 10 I got really tired and took about two walking breaks which lasted about two minutes each. I fueled with one pack of GU and sport beans through the run,and had my water hand container filled with water for hydration. 

 The first half was done on my hilly trail section and the second on my rolling hills trail section. Overall I was consistent and did not have any issues completing.  In my advanced 2 training schedule coming up in a couple of weeks I will start setting goal times for all runs!
 So Week 14 looks like this:
6.8      Monday                  5 miles
6.9     Tuesday                   6 miles
6.10    Wednesday             5 miles  14 miles
6.11    Thursday                 45 minute tempo
6.12    Friday                     5 miles
6.13   Saturday                   6 mile run
6.14   Sunday                     12 miles
Total                                   34 miles and 45 minute tempo run (I excluded the 14 miler from Week 13)
On Monday I did 5 miles on the treadmill.
On Tuesday I did 6 miles on treadmill.  

 So I am super excited to be under 143 pounds and this morning I weigh-in at 142; 4 pounds less than last weigh-in about a month ago. My goal again is between 125 and 130 by marathon day which is 12 to 17 pounds in 4 months. Will update measurements next Wednesday. With consistency I look forward to reaching my goal of losing fat and gaining muscle and most importantly SPEED!

Have you reach any milestones lately? Working on any due in the next couple of months?

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

Friday, June 5, 2015

Week 13 & Treadmill Fun

This is has been a week with a lot of treadmill running as I have failed to get out get this week for early morning runs.

Tuesday's 10 miler was done on the hamster wheel with 6.26 miles done in a hour and the remaining 3.76 done in 36 minutes.

On the treadmill I am able to keep my pace steady and as you can see generate a lot of sweat!

I also did Wednesday's 5 miler on the treadmill and it was also my second day on my new fitness workout schedule.

 Favorite exercises so far are the one legged lunges and V-situps. My abs felt really hard core after the V-situps! I also like doing push ups and the bosu ball rollout on workout 2's schedule.

So my 7xHills was also done on treadmill (simulated hill with and incline at 6.0 elevation). Though I missed my beloved hill, leaving work early was not an option and the treadmill was my only choice to get it done.

I did the first two "hills" at a distance of .25 and 6.0 elevation at 7.0 speed which is 8:34 min/mile and the next 2 "hills" at 7.1 speed which is about a 8:17 min/mile. The fifth "hill" I started to fatigue and started at a 7.2 spwed yet dropped it to about a 6.5 speed at end. The last two "hills" I did at 7.4 to 7.5 speed ending of at 8:00 min/mile. My mantra this week was "real girls sweat...alot".

I completely my third workout day and I am loving this schedule. With 12 reps at 2 sets each for about 10 exercises it challenging yet manageable.

Looking forward to getting out on the road this weekend for my long runs. How do you get through hard workouts at gym...muic, mantras - what keep you motivated to push through?

Here's to BQ'ing 2015,

Monday, June 1, 2015

Wednesday Weigh-In, Week 12 and Hello Week 13

So week 12 definitely took its toll and I needed to dig real deep for energy. I did not complete my 5 miles on Tuesday and ended up resting that day. On Wednesday I did the 5 miles instead of the scheduled 6 miles and on Thursday went to gym to attempt a 6 miler yet my energy was real low and I ended up doing a weight training session which surprisingly wiped me out more than a run would have.
On Friday I did Thursday's speed workout of 7x800 meter with 200 meter (.25) rest period in between averaging between 7.5 to 8 0 speed (8 to 7.47 min/mile).

Surprisingly my weight has not changed since 2 weeks ago yet in the past 2 weeks I have not done much with my diet in terms of reducing calories significantly as I prepared for my 20 mile run last week. Last week was just weird as energy was really low and I plan on focusing a lot more on diet and muscle tone as really long runs are now out of the way for the next couple of weeks and I can concentrate on conditioning.

Arms and chest are same at 12 and 32 inches respectively.

Waist and hips went down about a inch with waist  now at 31 from 32 and hips down from 40 to 39.

Uggg, thighs are same....squats, lunges and elipitcal here I come! 
With fatigue settling in by the weekend I decided to rest on Saturday and Sunday missing my 6 mile pace and 12 mile scheduled workouts.  There is a period after my Advance 1 schedule which I will be taking taking off, about a week before moving on to Advanced 2 schedule that I will make up this mileage. As it stands I have missed now 1. 4 mile run, 2. 40 minute tempo, 3. 6 mile pace and 4. 12 mile run. I will continue with Week 13 as planned and hopefully the remaining weeks in this plan as scheduled :) 
Week 13 looks like this -
Monday        6.1     4 miles
Tuesday        6.2     10 miles
Wednesday   6.3      5 miles
Thursday      6.4      7xhills
Friday           6.5     Rest
Saturday       6.6     10 mile pace
Sunday         6.7     20 miles 14 miles (This 20 mile run will be done on July 26 with the New York 
                               Road Runners) So workout for July 26, (14 miles) will done instead.
Back to really counting calories as so far today have had 2 waffles (230), banana, (100) homemade green drink (100) and pasta with tofu stir fry at about (300)calories! Kind Bar (150) and yogurt at (130) at a total of 1010-  1400 is my limit today as I did 4 miles this morning (first time back on road since 20 miler...so slow) and weight training planned for this this evening leaving me with about 400 calories left for dinner.
Below is my workout conditioning plan taken from Women's Health Magazine....FINALLY!  3 times a week with a rest day in between each session - Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Plan on doing this for schedule 4 weeks.
Happy June everyone!
Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,