Friday, June 26, 2015

B-day Run and Some Weights on Rest Day

 Exciting week as I arrived back to Maryland on Monday from a great weekend trip to NYC and celebrated my Birthday on Tuesday!  Monday's 5 miler did not get done....I know.....yet I squeezed it on Thursday and I am ready to get back on track after all the hoopla! With 2 more weeks on Advanced Schedule 1, I am excited to finish strong and get on the way to Advanced Schedule 2.
On Tuesday I went out for an 8 mile run. Since it was my birthday I ran the whole 8 miles with a smile on my face :)

On Wednesday I did 5 miles on the treadmill. I left my phone at home so was unable to take a treadmill pic yet my girlfriend got me the "Milestone Pod" which is a pod you put on your sneaker and it calculates how many miles you run. I am using it as my back up when of course my watch dies or when I leave my phone. It's great for days when you want to know how many miles you ran and your stats yet don't want to where a watch or carry your phone for anything...just run free with the pod on your sneaker. Below is screen shot of how the information from the pod wirelessly syncs to your phone when you get back from your run through the downloaded app. It is pretty informative and great information to have have on your running performance. The only thing is that if you stop for more that 6 seconds, like on this treadmill app I stopped to tie my shoe, it showed I ran 4.89 miles instead of 5 as it accounted for the gap though I ran a bit extra after the 5 miles mark yet there is a variance if you stop during the run.

On Thursday I did 6 x hills in the morning. I started with a one mile warm up and did the first 3 hills with music and the last 3 hills without music. I wanted to get pumped up for the first half and then just concentrate on my form and the hill for the last half. I read on another runner's blog that her coach made her go for her training run without music; coach wanted her to concentrate on her form and tune into her body and emotions. When I run without music every sensation is heightened and the run becomes my music and I listen to my steps, my breathing and my body.
The first 3 hills set where good as I am definitely getting faster I believe on the hills and my goal is always to go faster each time. Yet by hill 4 and 5 I lost a bit steam. Ok so hill 6 is tricky as I usually try and make my last hill the fastest hill and when I completed this hill I looked down and my time showed 2:10! I walked a bit and looked by down and noticed my timer was still going! So i quickly pressed the stopper and ended up recording a time of 2:18 so that last pic should really be 2:10!!!!!

1mile warm up

On Thursday afternoon I did 5 miles. This was after hill and  "2-a-day" (2 workout in a day) yet this 5 miler suffered and I suffered as I really just barely muddled through...I was soooo tired.
Today is Freedddaaaayyy ... I mean Friday and I am suppose to rest.  I plan on doing workout 1 of my toning routine and cross train for about 15 minutes. Toning routine took a back seat this week unfortunately so today and Saturday will do my routines and then start fresh on Monday. 
Looking forward to my weekend run workouts and still searching for a race before my 20 miler in Central Park about a month away now.
Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

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