Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ahhh - September! Recap and Week 27

Last week was a long week and this week is panning out the same way yet with training these past weeks and doing everything else - I have learned to persevere through the tough stuff and enjoy the easy stuff.

Last week Tuesday I did not do hill training as was not feeling that I would have a strong showing so instead I did 4 miles on treadmill.

I did Wednesday's tempo run outside and did 4.5 miles in 45 minutes, goal was 5 miles yet still working on hitting my marathon pace.  I don't have a watch pic for this workout as I erased before taking the pic. 

So when I got out for hill training feeling energized I had it in my head  that I was only suppose to do 5 hills...I was actually suppose to do 6 hills so oops on my part. Next hill training I will do an extra hill to make this up.  

I started with a mile warm up 
and below are my times for each hill.
First hill 2:17
Second hill 2:14
Third hill 2:08
Fourth hill 2:07
Fithian hill 2:09

Would really like more hills under 2:10 so will continue to WORK!

So the rest of the week pretty much sputtered along unfortunately. I know this is not the time to be sputtering. On Saturday I did not do my 9 mile pace run. I had to work and the gravity of the week took its toll. On Sunday I got up for my 19 miler yet at mile 6 my watch zonked out on me and said I just finished 11 miles at a 6 min/mile pace!!!! I was feeling good during the run yet not that good. 

Not sure what happened with my watch yet seeing that I would not have the correct stats on my watch for the rest of the run just knocked the wind out of me and 13 more miles seemed depressing! So I called it day and headed to church for inspiration and I am now ready to tackle my fourth 20 miler this Sunday. 

I decided that I will just move along with week 27 as scheduled and not look back. What is done is done and I going to have to fight for consistency as crunch time is now in effect!!!! ITS SEPTEMBER :) 

Week 27 looks like this:
8.30 Monday.                     4 miles 
9.1 Tuesday.                      45 minute tempo (4.5)
9.2 Wednesday                  5 miles
9.3 Thursday                      4 mile pace (goal is 8 min/mile at 32 minutes!)
9.4 Friday                           Rest
9.5 Saturday                       10 miles
9.6 Sunday                         20 miles
Total                                   47.5
Monday's 4 miler
Tuesday I got out in the morning for my 45 minute tempo run but unfortunately my watch decided to fall out of my pouch (the wrist band broke a couple of week's ago and I have yet to fix so I have been carrying it around my running pouch) while I was running and I did not realize. When I went to look at it to see how I was doing on time and pace I realized it dropped. I spent the next 20 minutes jogging back and forth on my trail looking for it and asking those passing by if the saw it. Luckily someone picked it up, saw me and gave it to me! My lucky day. Yet I lost all track of the run and was just happy to have my watch.

So for the past couple of weeks I have been strength training without a routine and doing alignment exercises. I will be following the below strength program workout from now until M day with increasing intensity variations. I am hoping to shed 10 pounds getting me between 128 and 132 pounds (I  am barely under 140 by the skin of my teeth - so this is going to take extreme discipline - proper fueling and muscle building). I am also going to lower, not eliminate my wheat intake of bread and pasta and take in more carb loaded vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beans, squash and peas.

This is a workout that I followed years ago that never let me down. I followed this when I weight trained more than I ran. It was extremely effective in building muscle. So  I will follow the below for the next two weeks and then have a harder variation after that. The last two weeks before marathon will be the hardest variation yet it should be getting hard as I get stronger. Feel free to follow along ! 

Looking forward to getting this week under my belt. Diva Half Marathon is coming up in 3 weeks and so is my 5th Wedding Anniversary! What better way is there to celebrate but with a RACE! Only poignant as my Husband had been my biggest supporter and without him and GOD above I would not be able to achieve what I have so far and do what I love so much. So looking forward to celebrating and PR'ing.  If you do follow the schedule below let me know how you are doing!

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

Day 1  Cardio  30 minutes Increased Intensity
Start cardio then lower abs, then obliques, then upper abs (30 sec rest between sets) Sets Reps
Upper Abs  Situps 3 20-25
Lower Abs Leg Raises 3 20-25
Obliques  Side Jackknife 3 20-25
Day 2 Sets Reps
Alternate leg workout then back workout Legs Leg Ext. 2 15-20
Leg Curl 2 15-20
Squats 2 15-20
Back  Dumbell Row 2 15-20
Front Pulldown 2 15-20
Day 3 Cardio  30 minutes
Start cardio then lower abs, then obliques, then upper abs (30 sec rest between sets) Sets Reps
Upper Abs  Situps 2 20-25
Lower Abs Leg Raises 2 20-25
Obliques  Side Jackknife 2 20-25
Day 4 REST
Day 5 Sets Reps
Do the EZ bar curl first, the tricep overheads. Do 3 sets of lunges then finish up with Bis then Tris Biceps EZ Bar Curl  2 15-20
Alternating Curls 2 15-20
Triceps Overhead Extentsions 2 15-20
Kickbacks 2 15-20
Legs Standing Lunges 3 15-20
Day 6 Cardio  30 minutes Increased Intensity
Start cardio then lower abs, then obliques, then upper abs (30 sec rest between sets) Sets Reps
Upper Abs  Situps 2 20-25
Lower Abs Leg Raises 2 20-25
Obliques  Side Jackknife 2 20-25
Day 7 Cardio  15 minutes Sets Reps
First dumbell bench press, then shoulder press, then chest, then other 2 shoulder workouts Chest Bench Press (Dumbells) 2 15-20
Peck Deck Flye 2 15-20
Shoulders Shoulder Press 3 15-20

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