Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 10 Wrap-Up and Week 11 Catch-Up

Week 10 ended unfortunately on Saturday with my last post regarding my fartlek 45 minute run.  I did not run the scheduled 7 miles on Sunday.... no excuses.....I just didn't and well...just one of those days.

So Week 11 started of with President's Day - Monday and scheduled to do 3 miles.  I got to gym though and decided to do a boot camp class instead of 3 miles.  In about 2 weeks my Monday 3 mile training runs will change to cross training where you don't run and instead cross train  and do any other activity besides running. I guess I am a little ahead of the game I guess and I craved to do something else and the boot camp class was a great 60min workout which left me pretty sore!

Week 11: Tuesday - 5 miles did not happen as the day completely slipped by me with work and I was just really dragging ...and still sore from boot camp on Monday.

Week 11: Wednesday - 6 miles did happen! Though officially it was a makeup for missing Tuesday's workout! I ended doing 6 miles instead of the scheduled 5 miles as having pretty much 2 rest days in a row, though sore did allow me enough strength to do so.  I did it on the treadmill and it served as  sort of a recovery run to get my legs back into running mode.

Week 11: Thursday - 12x200 did happen! This was actually Wednesday's training workout and turned out being 3.17 miles. 3 sets of 200 meters in mile 1 and 4 sets of 200 meters in miles 2 and 3 with last 200 meters in the bit over 3 miles. Was happy to get to push pace to 7:30min/mile on my last 200 meter and was able to sustain well. 

So no rest on Friday as will be doing Thursday's scheduled 3 mile run.....constant battle to consistency :)

In transformation,


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