Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 9: Recap of Remainder of Week

Week 9: Wednesday - Rest
So after my 6 mile hike (run) on Tuesday my body was in shutdown mode.  Though I was mentally ready to do 200 meter (.12) sprints on treadmill, I just could not physically take myself there.  Therefore I "shifted" and decided to do them on Thursday and do my "Thursday's 3 miles" on Friday!

Week 9: Thursday - 10x200
So I started I believe at a 8:30 min/mile for up to 6 repeats of 200 meters on the treadmill.  I then I had to stop for a bit and continue up again.  I love repeats and you get better and better as  you go along.  For the last 4 repeats I believe I sprinted at about an 8 min/mile pace and for the last one at a 7:30 min/mile pace. Oh, in between I would go down to about 9:30 min/mile jog in between needing about 400 meters or .25 distance to recover.

Week 9: Friday 3 Miles
I was completely fried when Friday rolled around and I was due to do 3 miles.  I got on treadmill and my vigor that I had for my repeats the day before was just not there.  Though I completed the  3 miles, it was not pretty and managed a 12:30 min/mile average.....
Week 9's weekend called for rest on Saturday and 8K race pace on Sunday - Rest I did do yet Sunday was another rest day as it was just not happening ..... one of those weekends...upside I did spend time with Hubby and baby :) and got in some needed recovery time for a body that is still in transformation :) 

In Transformation,


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