Saturday, February 1, 2014

Week 8: Saturday - 40 Minute Tempo

First, I did catch up my with my 5 miles yesterday (Friday) and ran outdoors.  It was a great sunny brisk day and the 5 miles went by well. I was able to complete the 5 miles  at 9:36 min/mile!.  My pace is improving and I am feeling more confident with mileage between 3 and 5 miles.

Today called for a 40 minute tempo run.  I decided to of course warm up and ran at 9:30min/mile pace.  What was great was that at about 30 minutes into the run, I was able to bring down the pace to 9:22min/mile and complete the 40 minute run.

It was definitely hard to get out this morning to head to gym and run - I realized that consistency starts with the motivation to do! I knew I would completely hate myself if I did not and had to "make up".  Being able to stay on schedule definitely feels a lot better and I am looking forward to continuing.

In Transformation,


Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running.

Sarah Condor, runner and author

Sarah Condor, runner and author

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