Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 0 - Warm-up Day and Cleanse

I used today as a warm up day!  Officially my schedule starts on a Monday.  In the past I have started on a Sunday yet then would have to re-label the schedule to match the corresponding day.  Yet this time I will stick with the schedule and my rest days will be Friday and long runs will be on a Sunday.

Today I did 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym.  It took me about 35 minutes and it was a really easy run for me. I felt really good and was able to run the whole time.  After giving birth to Enzo I waited the allotted 6 weeks before I started jogging.  During my pregnancy I did not run at all as I was just not physically up to it.  My first jog was humbling! Yet I made it around the block of my house ;) So today felt great running the whole 35 minutes.

I am averaging now about 10-12 minutes a  mile which is far from what I was doing a year ago (about 7:30min/mile). Yet I definitely feel my body is ready to get back into the swing of things fast.  I will be weight training as well and have gone to a couple of total body conditioning classes at the gym before starting my own weight training schedule to get back into things.  My motto right now is slow and steady because that is what wins the race!

After all the great food at Thanksgiving I will be cleansing this week with protein shakes for breakfast and fruits, veggies and nuts for all meals for the next 10 days. Want to detox all the sugar, wheat and meat out.  I will be juicing - and will have 3 to 4 juices for meals along with protein shakes for breakfast and snack.  I have a nutriblast machine which is great.

Started the morning at the gym about 10:00am.  With a newborn my morning start times are a far cry from my 4am runs that I use to do. Yet I am sure as Enzo's schedule becomes more predictable, I can get my early morning workout in.  I am a  morning person and feel great running outdoors EARLY in the morning.  Today however, I just wanted to get my legs ready for my morning run tomorrow of 3 miles which officially starts my training.  I do also enjoy running on the treadmill though and find both indoor and outdoor running to be beneficial when it comes to training.

I will be heading to the market now to stock up on fruits and veggies for this week's cleanse and preparing for a 3 miles run outdoors tomorrow morning before hubby goes to work and Enzo wakes up :)

In Transformation,


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