Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 6 - 30 minute Tempo - Keep the Pace!

I love tempo training as it is the one day where I am not counting my mileage.  The goal here is to keep my pace for the allotted amount of time. It is suppose to be a "comfortable hard" run.
Today I trained on the treadmill as its the best way to stay steady on my pace for now. I decided to stick to a 10:30 min/mile pace for 30 minutes. It was comfortable and a bit hard. I like breaking up tempo runs as it can be a bit daunting at the beginning to start out at a certain pace and know you have to keep that pace for a certain amount of time and you can't lower the pace if tired or increase the pace if a power song comes on like I usually do.
It is training that is meant to condition your body to sort of go into auto-pilot during a race, usually a long race so that you keep a pace and not give into fatigue or push the pace to soon!
For today's 30 minute tempo I warmed up on the elliptical for 20 minutes then hopped on treadmill. The first ten minutes for me are the hardest as my body is getting adjusted to pace. I give myself a couple of seconds mental breaks by allow myself a swig of water at the 10 minute mark and again at the 20 minute mark. I also step onto the sides of treadmill and stretch out any tight body parts.
It was a good first tempo run and I got through the whole 30 mins at 10:30min/mile.  Looking forward to bringing that pace down next tempo run!
In transformation,

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