Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I am so excited to get into the 40th Marine Corps Marathon by lottery! Ironically my first Marathon was the 40th New York Marathon...40 seems to be my number.

So yesterday I wanted to do 6 miles on treadmill and 3 miles today following my schedule however when I got on the treadmill after work running was a laborious process. I am guessing after my long run on Monday my body took a temporary pause and maybe that is why Hal Higdon says to do 3 miles after a long run and not 6! I barely scraped a not so great 2 miles with a really bad attempt at the beginning which added to about a mile which I chopped up to a warm-up.

Today was a different story and I was ready to redeem myself and got out a decent 6 miles on the treadmill at a bit under a 10 min/mile average pace.

Oatmeal and fruit for breakfast (300), stone crackers and wheat thins with peanut butter (400), almond milk yogurt with almonds (150) for snacks and a green drink for lunch  (200) - I am about 1050 calories for day. Plan on having about a 400 calorie dinner - tuna and green salad with glass of wine...1 glass :) Speed workout tomorrow!

Here's to BQ'ing in 2015,

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